Small Flex Tool for parsing column names to SQL format string

Categories: Development NotesFlex分享; Tagged with: ; @ November 19th, 2012 18:40

Hi all,

I wrote a small Flex tool for parsing column names to SQL format, for example:

when I want to select those fields:



I need to copy those fields into my SQL editor, and put “,” for each of them, it’s boring and waste time, So I wrote a Flex tool, which can parse the fields into:

1: Added comma:






2: Added quotation marks and comma:








Hope it can save your time if you are doing such kind of SQL jobs.

Get the tool:

跨浏览器网页测试工具Adobe BrowserLab

Categories: FrontEnd; Tagged with: ; @ November 13th, 2012 23:08

之前看过专门介绍不同跨浏览器测试工具的文章, 如: Complete Guide to Cross-Browser Compatibility Check  试了几个, 最后感觉比较理想还是来自Adobe的 BrowserLab.

虽然提供可供测试的浏览器并不多( BrowserShots.org提供Linux/Windows/Mac/BSD下几十种不同厂商浏览器/版本的测试).  只有

IE 7,8,9, Safari , Chrome, FireFox 11(OS X/Windows)的测试, 不过我想已经可以完全满足多数非专业的测试要求了.


Adobe BrowserLab :

需要使用Adobe ID登入.



FlashBuilder4.7 Beta2发布: New cross platform development features and enhancements

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ October 12th, 2012 10:29

October 8, 2012 — Beta 2 of Flash Builder 4.7 is now available. This release introduces integrated support for profiling Flash content via the upcoming Project Monocle.
Download the Flash Builder 4.7 Game Development beta 2

Key features for Flash Builder 4.7 include:

  • Support for Apache Flex SDK.
  • New compiler support for ActionScript Projects
  • Support for creating ActionScript Workers
  • Support for iOS USB deployment, testing & debugging
  • Support for iOS simulator


Adobe发布FlashBuilder 4.7 测试版 Flash Builder 4.7 Beta is Here!

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ August 28th, 2012 12:12

We are excited to announce the availability of Flash Builder 4.7 beta. Flash Builder 4.7 adds support for Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4, as well as support for the new Apache Flex 4.8 SDK.

With full support to the new Flash Player 11.4 ActionScript Concurrency (ActionScript workers) feature, which helps developers create more responsive games and apps by offloading tasks and computations to background workers. Game content is more responsive as these workers run concurrently to leverage more machine resources while helping to avoid UI freezes and other events that slow down game play. Click here to learn more about Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4 new features.

Flash Builder 4.7 beta improves AIR for iOS app development workflows with support for USB debugging, ad-hoc app deployment, and support for the iOS simulator. Click here to learn more about these new capabilities.

Screenshot of iOS feature in Flash Builder 4.7 beta

Screenshot of iOS feature in Flash Builder 4.7 beta

Continuing on our previously stated commitment to Flex and the development of Flex, we have contributed Flex SDK to the Apache Foundation.  Flash Builder 4.7 supports Apache Flex 4.8 in addition to Adobe Flex 4.6 and Adobe Flex 3.6.  For information on how to get Apache Flex SDKs for use in Flash Builder, see

Please report any issue you may experience together with reproducible steps here. We look forward to your feedback on Flash Builder 4.7 beta and suggestions on how we can further empower you to build great apps and games.



Flex trademark assigned to Apache Software Foundation

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ August 16th, 2012 18:08

The Apache Flex PPMC would like to inform our community that Adobe Systems Inc. has assigned the Flex trademark to the Apache Software Foundation. This is an important milestone in our progress towards graduating and becoming a full-fledged Apache project.

Adobe will retain a limited license to use Flex for its current Flex products and web-sites so you will still see “Adobe Flex” out there, but Apache is now the official owner of the trademark.

-The Apache Flex PPMC


In case you were wondering, the Flex trademark has been assigned to Apache as mentioned here:  As the email mentions, this is another step on the road to transitioning Flex to Apache as promised here

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