Enable/Disable button in HTML using JavaScript

Categories: HTML&JS; Tagged with: ; @ August 8th, 2012 21:21

Here is a button:

<input type="button" class="buttontwofa_text" value="NEXT >" onclick="acceptAgmt()" id="buttonAccept" disabled="true"/>

And also have a radio button group to control the button:

<input type="radio" name="agrmt" value="accept" id="radioAccept" onclick="disableAcceptButton(false)"/> I accept the agreement<br />

<input type="radio" name="agrmt" value="decline" id="radioDecline" onclick="disableAcceptButton(true)"/> I do not accept the agreement

And here is the javaScript:

function disableAcceptButton(disabled) {

document.getElementById("buttonAccept").disabled = disabled;


Show/Hide Div using JavaScript

Categories: HTML&JS; Tagged with: ; @ August 7th, 2012 23:01

Show/Hide div by style.block using JavaScript.

the href button:

<a href="#" onclick="switchDiv()">SwitchDiv</a>

The js:

switchFlag = true;
function switchDiv() {
// alert("clicked");
switchFlag = !switchFlag;

var div1 = document.getElementById('div1');

var div2 = document.getElementById('div2');

if(switchFlag) {

}else {

problems with font color in Firefox/Chrome

Categories: HTML&JS; Tagged with: ; @ August 6th, 2012 19:13


.2f_subtext {
font-size: 11px;
color: #FFFFFF;

The font color is white in IE, there’s no problem, but in Firefox or Chrome, the font color is black.

W3C Css  validator :

In CSS1, a class name could start with a digit (“.55ft”), unless it was a dimension (“.55in”). In CSS2, such classes are parsed as unknown dimensions (to allow for future additions of new units) To make “2f_subtext” a valid class, CSS2 requires the first digit to be escaped “.\32 f_subtext” [2f_subtext]


Apache Flex 4.8.0-incubating Released! Flex 4.8孵化版发布

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ July 27th, 2012 8:26

The Apache Flex community is pleased to announce the release of Apache Flex 4.8.0-incubating!

Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building Flash Platform-based applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop. This is the first release under the Incubator of the Apache Software Foundation and represents the initial donation of Adobe Flex 4.6 by Adobe System Inc.

Note that because Apache Flex is under “incubation”, Apache Flex is not an official Apache Project, and this is not an official Apache release. For more information see the DISCLAIMER file in the release. This release marks the start of a new era for Flex. The future of Flex is now driven by the community instead of a corporation. Users can have important bugs fixed or new features added by contributing the code themselves. Apache Flex is available in source form from the following download page: http://incubator.apache.org/flex/download.html When downloading from a mirror site, please remember to verify the downloads using signatures found on the Apache site: http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/flex/KEYS Apache Flex release packages are different from Adobe release packages. For information on how to use Apache Flex with existing IDEs, see: http://incubator.apache.org/flex/packager.html For more information on Apache Flex, visit the project home page: http://incubator.apache.org/flex/ Thank you for using Apache Flex, The Apache Flex Community.

Download: http://incubator.apache.org/flex/download.html

Release Notes:

Apache Flex 4.8.0

This is a parity release with Adobe Flex 4.6.0.

The official Apache distribution is the source kit which can contain only source.
Because of this, and various licensing constraints, there must be a few differences.  

====> Please see the README, especially the "Install Prerequisites" section. <====


  - BlazeDS integration is an optional feature (Adobe license)
  - Adobe embedded font support is an optional feature  

  - the lib directory has been restructured
        -- lib  (jars built from source)
           -- external (other Apache jars or ones with compatible licenses)
              -- optional (optional jars with incompatible licenses)

  - the default linkage is -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true

  - there are no longer Adobe signed RSLs (swz files) in frameworks/rsls
  - the frameworks/rsls directory contains unsigned RSL for libraries we build

  - the frameworks/osmf src is not included which means there is not an osmf RSL.  

  - the frameworks/textLayout src is not included which means there is not a textLayout 
    RSL.  We expect this difference to be limited to this release.

  - the ASDoc in the asdoc package no longer has active links for Adobe Flash,
    Adobe Air, the Open Source Media Framework (OSMF) or Text Layout Format (TLF).
    We hope to correct this in a future release.

Please report new issues to our bugbase at:


                                          The Apache Flex Project

Flex vs HTML5: After 6 years doing Flex, am I moving to HTML5?

Categories: FlexHTML5; Tagged with: ; @ July 19th, 2012 16:25

Short answer: no. But I’m investing in HTML5.



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