FlashBuilder: 如何根据序列号确定其对应版本?

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ January 20th, 2012 23:29



由于之前采购过不同版本的FB, 具体序列号对应版本早已记不清楚, 于是微博上@了几个专家, 尚未收到任何答复的情况下直接拨打Adobe的客服:

中国10800 744 0438(通过联通),或 10800 440 0421(通过电信)[http://shop.adobe.com/store/adbehcn/Content/pbPage.faq]


从4.0升级到4.5大致需要415RMB, 从4.5到4.6是不需要费用的, 明年回来就有4.6可用了….

失业了?没关系, 来领取免费的FlexBuilder 3 Professional

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ April 4th, 2009 11:04


失业滴: https://freeriatools.adobe.com/learnflex/

Adobe Flex Builder 3 software is currently available for free for software developers who are affected by the current economic condition and are currently unemployed.

Program eligibility:

To receive the product under this program, you must attest to the fact that you are currently unemployed and that the software will be used only for your personal use not for any production or commercial purposes.

I attest that the following statements are true:
1) I am not currently employed or being paid to develop software applications or web pages
2) Adobe Flex Builder 3 Software I receive under this program is for my personal use to learn about Adobe Flex and improve my skills
3) My license to use Flex Builder 3 under this program will not be used for production or commercial purposes, nor will it be transferred to any other person or entity, including to my employer should I become employed.




Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ October 13th, 2008 16:17


如有需要, 可在工程属性的Flex Compiler 中 的 Additional Compiler argument中加入:


这样在编译时FlexBuilder自动在src下建立一个generated目录, 并将生成的AS代码全部放到该目录中.

Too Simple的一个东西, 记录一下吧, 不然每天都在用, 但却不知道这个参数是咋写的…

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