失业了?没关系, 来领取免费的FlexBuilder 3 Professional

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ April 4th, 2009 11:04


失业滴: https://freeriatools.adobe.com/learnflex/

Adobe Flex Builder 3 software is currently available for free for software developers who are affected by the current economic condition and are currently unemployed.

Program eligibility:

To receive the product under this program, you must attest to the fact that you are currently unemployed and that the software will be used only for your personal use not for any production or commercial purposes.

I attest that the following statements are true:
1) I am not currently employed or being paid to develop software applications or web pages
2) Adobe Flex Builder 3 Software I receive under this program is for my personal use to learn about Adobe Flex and improve my skills
3) My license to use Flex Builder 3 under this program will not be used for production or commercial purposes, nor will it be transferred to any other person or entity, including to my employer should I become employed.



Flex新手必看 – Tour de Flex

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ March 29th, 2009 16:39

今天无意中看到Tour de Flex, 比之前入门时看的component要花哨很多, 而且增加了很多东西, 如WebService, 3D模型等.

  • Flex核心组件 (这部分是对Flex Component Explorer的扩展,增加了一些如Data Binding等演示)
  • Flex数据访问 (包含HTTPService, WebService, RemoteObject等)
  • AIR特性
  • Cloud APIs (包含如Flicker, Google API等各种Cloud计算服务的案例)
  • 数据可视化 (包含ILOG Elixir等组件库)
  • Mapping (包含Yahoo Map和Google Map等地图API的应用)
  • 其他Component

当前版本1.1, 主页:http://flex.org/tour

可通过主页进行在线安装或下载air安装包. – 约37M

Flex中的as与显示转换 对比

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ March 29th, 2009 16:08

在As中, 可以使用as与显示转换两种方式进行转换


            	var str:String = "10";
            	trace(str as int);

输出: null 10

在使用as时, 如果类型不同, 则会返回null,

在使用int()之类的显示转换时时, 会尝试将其转换为对应类型. 如果无法进行转换 则返回该类型的默认值

Flex文档查看工具: Doc? 离线查看, 搜索, 书签 FlexAPI

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ March 29th, 2009 15:49

详细的描述及使用方法: http://blogs.adobe.com/jinni/2009/03/docactionscript_api.html

缺点: 不能显示 文档中的example. 不过总体而言, 很方便, 偶尔懒的一级一级的找Class, 可以用下Doc?



Flex: Tree如何展开/关闭一个节点, 并选中其孩子? 如何关闭所有的节点?

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ March 28th, 2009 10:54
_treeOUs.expandChildrenOf(currentOU, true); // 展开目录 

_treeOUs.selectedItem = ou; //选定孩子

_treeOUs.openItems = []; // 关闭所有节点;

expandChildrenOf(item:Object, open:Boolean):void
Opens or closes all the tree items below the specified item.

expandItem(item:Object, open:Boolean, animate:Boolean = false, dispatchEvent:Boolean = false, cause:Event = null):void
Opens or closes a branch item.

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