Feature: Convert between different currencies Scenario: Convert SGD to CNY Given currency:"SGD", amount:10 Given fxRate is 4.60 When convert to "CNY" Then the result is 46 in CNY
JUnit Test: it can be generated by cucumber plugins, but not perfect for my IDE. (cannot generate all steps, but you still can copy the generated JUnit code from the output)
package com.liguoliang.bdd; import cucumber.annotation.Before; import cucumber.annotation.en.Given; import cucumber.annotation.en.Then; import cucumber.annotation.en.When; import org.junit.Assert; import java.math.BigDecimal; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Created by guoliang on 3/14/15. */ public class FxConverterTest { private FxConverter fxConverter; @Before public void setUp() { fxConverter = new FxConverter(); } @Given("^currency:\"([^\"]*)\", amount:(\\d+)$") public void currency_amount(String currency, BigDecimal amount) throws Throwable { fxConverter.setCurrencySource(currency); fxConverter.setAmountInput(amount); } @Given("^fxRate is (.+)$") public void fxRate_is_(BigDecimal rate) throws Throwable { fxConverter.setFxRate(rate); } @When("^convert to \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void convert_to(String currency) throws Throwable { fxConverter.convertTo(currency); } @Then("^the result is (.+) in CNY$") public void the_result_is_in_CNY(BigDecimal resultExpected) throws Throwable { assertTrue(resultExpected.compareTo(fxConverter.getAmountResult()) == 0); } }
Java: calculate number complement using BitSet <->
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