“Harvard ManageMentor Time Management” Notes 时间管理 笔记

Categories: Uncategorized; Tagged with: ; @ April 6th, 2014 22:43

Why Manage Your Time?

Time management is the discipline of organizing, allocating, and controlling time you use for activities in such a way that you achieve your desired results. Time management forces you to be explicit about what you value and helps you assign your efforts accordingly.

Identifying and prioritizing Goals

Types of goals:

Critical:  “must be accomplished in order for your department or unit to continue running successfully”

Enabling: “create a more desirable business condition in the long run or take advantage of a business opportunity”

Nice-to-have: “enhance your business—by making activities faster, easier, or more appealing—but don’t revolutionize your business”

Prioritize your goals

Distinguish between urgent and crucial tasks:
”Urgent tasks demand immediate attention. But every urgent matter does not necessarily support a critical goal.”

Breaking Goals into Tasks

Identify required tasks; Prioritize tasks; Sequence tasks; Estimate required time;

Analyzing How You Spend Your Time

Understand how you’re currently spending time;

Assign a priority to each activity: Critical/Enabling/Nice-to-have

Identify ways to improve your use of time

Common ‘Time-Wasters’


Unpleasant or uninteresting task / Fear of failure / Unclear starting point

Unpleasant or uninteresting task

  • Delegate the task—it may not be unpleasant to someone else.
  • Admit you’re procrastinating—and get the job done.
  • Envision how good you’ll feel once you’ve completed the task.
  • Schedule the task in a way that makes turning back impossible.

Fear of failure

  • If you lack the training or resources needed to complete an assignment, say so—and get the help you need.
  • If your fear stems from lack of self-confidence, defuse it by being proactive and planning all the things you’ll have to do to complete the job.
  • Get on with the job: Activity can help dispel fear.

Unclear starting point

  • Jump in anywhere. You’ll likely find a productive way forward.
  • Break the job into component parts, then specify tasks needed to complete each part. Sequence them—then tackle the first task.

Schedule overloading

Know your key responsibilities and goals; Delegate; Don’t assume everything has to be done; Learn to say no to your peers and boss;

Direct reports’ problems

  • Provide feedback on direct reports’ proposed solutions to a problem, but make sure employees—not you—implement the solutions.

Email and paperwork overload

heck e-mail only at assigned times during the day.

Distractions and switching costs

Scheduling Time More Effectively

  • Keep “urgent but unimportant” and low-priority tasks off the list entirely.
  • Block off more “free time” in your daily schedule to “Build flexibility into your schedule”

Dealing with Time-Wasting Bosses

Get clear directions on your boss’s preferences;

Consider how you might be wasting your supervisor’s time

  • Don’t bring problems to your boss to handle. Instead, bring proposed solutions, and seek his or her feedback.
  • Accommodate your boss’s work style. For example, if he or she prefers to receive information in writing rather than in person, honor those preferences.


At last, forgot it….



<<季羡林谈人生>> 笔记

Categories: 垃圾山; Tagged with: ; @ June 17th, 2013 22:14

1. [人生] 我劝人们不妨在吃饱了燕窝鱼翅之后, 或者在吃糠咽菜之后, 或者在卡拉OK. 高尔夫之后, 问一问自己: 你为什么或者? 或者难道就是为了恣睢的享受吗? 难道就是为了忍饥受寒吗? 问了这些简单的问题之后, 会使你头脑清醒一点, 会减少一点糊涂.

2. [做人与出世] 一个人活在世界上, 必须处理好三个关系: 第一, 人与大自然的关系, 第二, 人与人的关系, 包括家庭关系在内; 第三, 个人心中思想与感情矛盾与平衡的关系.

3. [三思而行] “季文子三思而后行. 子闻之曰: 再, 斯可矣”

遇事必须深思熟虑, 先考虑可行性, 考虑的方面越广越好, 然后再考虑不可行性, 也是考虑的方面越广越好. 正反两面仔细考虑完以后, 就必须加以比较, 做出决定, 立即行动. 如果你考虑蒸面, 又考虑反面之后, 再回头来考虑正面, 再考虑反面, 那么, 如此循环往复, 终无宁日, 最终成为考虑的巨人, 行动的侏儒. 所以, 我赞成孔子的” 再, 斯可矣”

4. [傻瓜] 认为别人是傻瓜的人, 才是天下最大的傻瓜.

5. [爱情]  如果一个人不想终生独身的话,  他必须谈恋爱以至结婚. 这是”人间正道”. 但是千万别浪费过多的时间, 终日卿卿我我, 闹得神魂颠倒, 处心积虑, 不时闹点小别扭, 学习不好, 工作难成, 最终可能是”竹篮打水一场空”. 这真是何苦来! 我并不提倡二人”一见倾心”, 立即办理结婚手续. 我觉得, 两个人必须有一个互相了解的过程,. 这个过程不必过长, 短则半年, 多则一年. 余出来的时间应当用到刀刃上, 搞点事业, 为了个人, 为了家庭, 为了国家, 为了世界.

从前西湖有一座月老祠, 有一副对联是天下闻名的: “愿天下有情人都成了眷属, 是前生注定事莫错过姻缘” 多么质朴, 多么有人情味!

6. [温馨, 家庭不可或缺的气氛] 温馨是家庭不可或缺的气氛, 而温馨则是需要培养的. 培养之道, 不出两端, 一真一忍而已.

7. [关于人的素质的几点思考 之四 修养与实践的问题]

“以白黑石子, 用当等于筹算. 善念下白, 恶念下黑. 优波提奉受其教, 善恶之念, 辄投石子. 初黑偶多, 白者甚少. 渐渐修习, 白黑正等. 係年不止. 更无黑石, 纯有白者. 善念已盛, 逮得初果” <大正新修大藏经>

8. [八十述怀] 我从前对穷通寿夭也是颇有一些想法的. “十年浩劫”以后, 我成了陶渊明的志同道合者. 他的一首诗, 我很欣赏:

纵浪大化中, 不喜亦不惧. 应尽便须尽, 无复独多虑.

我现在就是抱着这种精神, 盎然走上前去. 只要有可能, 我一定做一些对别人有益的事情, 绝不想成为行尸走肉. 我知道, 未来的路也不回比过去的更笔直, 更平淡, 但是我并不恐惧. 我眼前还闪动着野百合和野蔷薇的影子.

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