WordPress: Disable Comment and Ping/Trackback 彻底停用评论/引用功能

Categories: Development NotesWordPress; Tagged with: ; @ May 4th, 2014 12:29


Spam comments try to rape my blog everyday,  I want to disable the comment feature.

Step 1: Disable the comment /pingback/trackback in WordPress admin console:



By un-checking these two boxes, no body can comment or pingback/trackback to the  *NEW* posts from now on.

but,  “(These settings may be overridden for individual articles.)”, this means all your post *prior* to the change still can be commented of pingback, let’s move to next step.

Step 2: Disable ALL posts comment and pingback/trackback

Run this SQL:

UPDATE ‘wordpress_posts’ SET comment_status='closed', ping_status='closed'

From now on, NO ONE can comment / ping / trackback to any post. Life is much better.

If you want to delete all pending/spam comments, you may refer to :  WordPress: batch deleting spam comments 批量删除垃圾回复


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