HTTP Status 500 – com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertyImplementationException: Unable to esablish a connection with the database. (error in script file line: 1 Unexpected token UNIQUE, requires COLLATION in statement [SET DATABASE UNIQUE])
type Exception report
message com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertyImplementationException: Unable to esablish a connection with the database. (error in script file line: 1 Unexpected token UNIQUE, requires COLLATION in statement [SET DATABASE UNIQUE])
description The server encountered an internal error (com.opensymphony.module.propertyset.PropertyImplementationException: Unable to esablish a connection with the database. (error in script file line: 1 Unexpected token UNIQUE, requires COLLATION in statement [SET DATABASE UNIQUE])) that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
I got this Error after I use DbVisualizer to connect to JIRA HSQL database.
the HSQL driver version I’m using in DbVis is 2.2.9, but the driver in my JIRA is
Update the JIRA_HOME/lib hsdb driver and restart the JIRA server.
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