Apache Cordova: Package/Build iOS/Andorid App from Polymer HTML5 Project

Categories: AndroidDevelopment NotesHTML5; Tagged with: ; @ July 21st, 2015 23:14

Requirement: Build iOS/Android app using existing Polymer project.


There’re lots of tools/platforms to build an app from HTML5 project, such as Trigger.io, Intel XDK, PhoneGap, Apache Cordova. I choosed Cordova to build my first html app;

  1. Install Apache Cordova by npm:
    $ sudo npm install -g cordova
  2. Create a Cordova project using cordova CLI;
    $ cordova create hello com.liguoliang.app HelloWorld
  3. Navigate to the project folder, add platform:
    $ cordova platform add ios/android
  4. Build project:
    $ cordova build
  5. Emulate the app:
    $ cordova emulate ios/andorid

Note: It is required to install Xcode or Android SDK/Tools for simulating.  you may follow the Cordova CLI message to installed the required sdk/tool.

> Apache Cordova CLI Document


Create Android Applications Using Flex – 使用Flex创建Android应用

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ July 17th, 2011 21:51

随着FlashBuilder4.5的发布, 用户组里堆满了关于移动开发的帖子, 关于AIR能否火起来, AIR性能的问题, 暂不考虑, 没有调查没用应用就没有发言权. 但如果本身应用是基于Flex的, 很多类库或UI都可以复用, 在这种情况下如果要做移动应用, 那选择AIR无疑能够节省大量时间.

基于AIR的桌面应用为WindowedApplication; Android应用则为ViewNavigatorApplication.


由于Android应用也是基于AIR的, 所以与Flex或桌面AIR开发并无很大差异, 不同的只是在View切换上.

1. 应用入口类型为: ViewNavigatorApplication
2. 具体页面的类型为:View;

1. 创建ViewNavigatorApplication
在ViewNavigatorApplication中有一个property为:  private var _firstView:Class, 可定义应用启动后的默认View; 同时用一个navigator, 负责切换View.
2. 创建View: 使用View组件或继承spark.components.View类创建组件;
3. 切换View: 在View中使用navigator.popView();切换到前一页面, 或使用navigator.pushView(DetailsView, list.selectedItem);切换到下一页面, 并可在切换时传递data(navigator中有一个NavigationStack, 故名思意, Stack, pop/push, 先入后出)
4. 获得View切换时的数据: 在view中直接使用data即可获得.

>>点此浏览源代码(托管于Google Code)<<

svn checkout http://androidhelloworldinflex.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ androidhelloworldinflex-read-only

Flex Android 开发教程:Flex for Android in 90 Minutes

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ December 4th, 2010 10:37
  • Part 1: Creating a Basic Mobile Application
  • Part 2: Using Mobile Item Renderers
  • Part 3: Navigating and Passing Information between Views
  • Part 4: Creating an Action Bar
  • Part 5: Integrating with the Device Capabilities (Dialer, SMS, Email)
  • Part 6: Using a RemoteObject
  • Part 7: Using a Local SQLite Database

See: http://coenraets.org/blog/2010/12/tutorial-flex-for-android-in-90-minutes/

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