可以通过设定Tree的样式来更改Tree的icon. 如下
_treeLAAndSub = new Tree(); _treeLAAndSub.iconField = "hahah@#$@#$"; _treeLAAndSub.setStyle("folderClosedIcon", ImagesForActions.iconImport); //文件夹关闭时 _treeLAAndSub.setStyle("folderOpenIcon", ImagesForActions.iconExport); //文件夹打开 _treeLAAndSub.setStyle("defaultLeafIcon", ImagesForActions.iconCopy); // 叶子 _treeLAAndSub.setStyle("disclosureOpenIcon", ImagesForActions.iconRemove); //文件夹打开时旁边的图示 _treeLAAndSub.setStyle("disclosureClosedIcon", ImagesForActions.iconAdd); //文件夹关闭时旁边的图示
1 .基本使用:
private var op:AbstractOperation; public function loadEmployees():void { op = AppContext.getRemoteObject().getOperation("loadEmployees"); //获得Operation op.arguments = [id]; //设定参数 var at:AsyncToken = op.send(); //Send at.addResponder(this); //为本实例增加responder } //---------------------实现 IResponder------------------------------- public function result(responderResult:Object):void { var resultEvent:ResultEvent = responderResult as ResultEvent; var ac:ArrayCollection = resultEvent.result as ArrayCollection;//result为服务器返回的数据 log.debug("已读取到 " + this + "的职员列表, 职员数目为: " + ac.length); } public function fault(data:Object):void { throw new Error("远程操作失败"); }
2. 另外可通过外置Responder实例来响应结果, 同时在实例中dispatch Event, 可实现在当前类中响应服务器端返回数据.
//Listener - onButtonDelClicked private function onButtonDelClicked(e:MouseEvent):void { var op:AbstractOperation = AppContext.getRemoteObject().getOperation("delEmp"); log.info("Deleteing..."); op.arguments = [datagridEmpList.selectedItem as Employee]; var at:AsyncToken = op.send(); var rs:OperationResponder = new OperationResponder();//增加Responder实例 rs.addEventListener(OperationResultEvent.OPERATION_COMPLETE, onOperationSuccess);//监听由Responder派发的Custom Event at.addResponder(rs);//为AsyncToken增加Responder } //-----------------------on RemoteOperationSuccess - SaveNew - UPdate - Delete - load Department- 监听多个操作的Event----------------- private function onOperationSuccess(e:OperationResultEvent):void { var resultEvent:ResultEvent = e.resultData as ResultEvent; var resultEventATMessage:RemotingMessage = resultEvent.token.message as RemotingMessage; var operationName:String = resultEventATMessage.operation; if(operationName == "saveEmpToDB") {//新建保存 //.... }else if(operationName == "updateEmp"){ //更新 //.... } }else if(operationName == "delEmp") {//删除 var deletedEmp:Employee = resultEventATMessage.body[0]; log.info("已成功删除职员: " + deletedEmp.name); }else if(operationName == "loadDepartments") { //加载部门信息 //... } }
package com.insprise.dept.view { /** * Select Departments Responder */ [Event(name = "OperationComplete", type="com.insprise.dept.event.OperationResultEvent")] public class OperationResponder extends EventDispatcher implements IResponder { public function OperationResponder() { super(); } public function result(data:Object):void { // var resultEvent:ResultEvent = data as ResultEvent; // var ac:ArrayCollection = resultEvent.result as ArrayCollection; dispatchEvent(new OperationResultEvent(data)); } public function fault(info:Object):void { throw new Error("服务器出错 - 调用服务器端方法失败" + ErrorMessage); } }//end of class }//end of package
package com.insprise.dept.event { /** * when Operation Success, and it's responder can dispatch this event */ public class OperationResultEvent extends Event { public static const OPERATION_COMPLETE:String = "OperationComplete"; private var _resultData:Object; /** * Constructor */ public function OperationResultEvent(resultData_:Object) { super(OPERATION_COMPLETE, false, false); _resultData = resultData_; } /** * Getter */ public function get resultData():Object { return _resultData; } /** * Override - MUST */ override public function clone():Event { return new OperationResultEvent(_resultData); } /** * OPTIONAL */ override public function toString():String { return formatToString(OPERATION_COMPLETE, "_resultData"); } }//end of class }//end of package
3: ResultEvent常用操作:
ResultEvent由AsyncToken的applyResult方法派发, 将该Event传递至Responder的result方法中.
/** * Creates a new ResultEvent. * @param type The event type; indicates the action that triggered the event. * @param bubbles Specifies whether the event can bubble up the display list hierarchy. * @param cancelable Specifies whether the behavior associated with the event can be prevented. * @param result Object that holds the actual result of the call. * @param token Token that represents the call to the method. Used in the asynchronous completion token pattern. * @param message Source Message of the result. */ public function ResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = true, result:Object = null, token:AsyncToken = null, message:IMessage = null) { super(type, bubbles, cancelable, token, message); if (message != null && message.headers != null) _statusCode = message.headers[AbstractMessage.STATUS_CODE_HEADER] as int; _result = result; }
resultEvent.result存放有当前op返回值, 可通过ObjectUtils.toString(resultEvent.result)来查看其类型及信息
body中存放有当前Operation的很多参数, 可使用如下方法调用Message:
var resultEventATMessage:RemotingMessage = resultEvent.token.message as RemotingMessage;
然后可通过resultEventATMessage.operation / desination/body[*]等来调用op/destination名字及op的参数.
override public function send(... args:Array):AsyncToken { if (!args || (args.length == 0 && this.arguments)) { if (this.arguments is Array) { args = this.arguments as Array; } else { args = []; for (var i:int = 0; i < argumentNames.length; ++i) { args[i] = this.arguments[argumentNames[i]]; } } } var message:RemotingMessage = new RemotingMessage(); message.operation = name; message.body = args; message.source = RemoteObject(service).source; return invoke(message); } }
1. Java – JDBC – MySql
1. 装好MySql, 启动服务.
2. 将mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar 拖入WEB-INF/lib下.
2. Java端BlazeDS配置
1. Java端:
将BlazeDS压缩包内的WEB-INF里面的东西拷贝工程内的WEB-INF下的相应位置中.[ Flex目录下有四个xml配置文件, lib下是需要使用的jar] 包括web.xm
2. 配置services-config.xml中channels标签中的内容:
false true 4
其中, http://localhost:8080/DepartmentManagement/ 是该Web工程的地址 [可在web-content下建立一空index.html, 运行后查看地址便可]
3. 编写Java类, 并配置remoting-config.xml文件的<service>标签下, 增加服务, 如下:
3. Flex端建立工程
1. 建立 Flex与Java通信载体RemoteObject
为方便在整个工程中使用, 可建立一个Singleton – 关于AS中的Singleton可见: http://liguoliang.com/2008/10/128/
首先需要确定RemoteObject的destination, 在本例中 为”DepartmentManagement”; – 在remoting-config.xml中已配置.
其次需要确定ro的channel – 本例中为:”http://localhost:8080/DepartmentManagement/messagebroker/amf"; - 在services-config.xml中已配置
public static const DEFAULT_DEST:String = "DepartmentManagement"; public static const DEFAULT_CHANNEL_URL:String = "http://localhost:8080/DepartmentManagement/messagebroker/amf"; private static var _ro:RemoteObject; /** * Constractor - Singleton */ public function AppContext():void { throw new Error("AppContext is Singleton!"); } /** * Get RemoteObject */ public static function getRemoteObject():RemoteObject { if(_ro == null) { _ro = createRemoteObject(DEFAULT_DEST, DEFAULT_CHANNEL_URL); } return _ro; } /** * Constructs a new remote object with new channel. * @param roDestination Destination of the RemoteObject; should match a destination name in the services-config.xml file. * @param channelURI the URI used to create the whole endpoint URI for this channel; this uri can be relative uri (to the folder containing the SWF). * @param channelId the id of the channel, if set to null, a random Id will be assigned. */ protected static function createRemoteObject(roDestination:String, channelURI:String, channelId:String = null):RemoteObject { var channelSet:ChannelSet = new ChannelSet(); var channel:AMFChannel = new AMFChannel(channelId == null ? "channel-" : channelId, channelURI); //Create new Channel channelSet.addChannel(channel); var ro:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject(roDestination); ro.channelSet = channelSet; return ro; }
4 配置完成,.
在Flex端通过 Appcontext.getRemoteObject.getOperation(“方法名称”)来调用服务器端方法.
Java端的Class – 通过JDBC 读取 MySql中数据:
/** * Load all Department and return an ArrayList * @return */ public ArrayList loadDepartments() { ArrayList departmentsAL = new ArrayList(); log.info("Loading Departments..."); try { //Get Connection Connection conn = JdbcUtilities.getConnection(); //Create statement String sql = " SELECT * FROM Department d ORDER BY d.Department_ID"; PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet res = ps.executeQuery(); log.debug("Exectuing: " + sql); while (res.next()) { int id = res.getInt("Department_ID"); String name = res.getString("name"); Department dp = new Department(); dp.setId(id); dp.setName(name); departmentsAL.add(dp); log.debug("从数据库获得部门: " + dp); } JdbcUtilities.closeConn(res, ps, conn); log.info("加载部门信息结束, 共加载部门: " + departmentsAL.size()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("SQL Error", e); throw new Error(e); } return departmentsAL; }
/** * Load the Department's Employee */ private var op:AbstractOperation; public function loadEmployees():void { op = AppContext.getRemoteObject().getOperation("loadEmployees"); //获得Operation op.arguments = [id]; //设定参数 var at:AsyncToken = op.send(); //Send at.addResponder(this); //为本实例增加responder }
运行Flex工程, Flex取得RemoteObject, 然后通过channel建立到destination的连接,由Java读取数据库中信息, 并返回给Flex.
//Main - Maincontent vboxMainRightcontent = new VBox(); empListContainer = new MainContent(); empListContainer.visible = false; vboxMainRightcontent.addChild(empListContainer); //----------------------------加入button 测试 invilidate...---------- testButton.label = "我是来测试的"; vboxMainRightcontent.addChild(testButton); empListContainer.explicitHeight = 0;//注意此处, 设置为0方可不占用界面中的场地, 注意在visable设置为true之后还要进行相应的调整 empListContainer.explicitWidth = 0;
//---------------------------------Listeners------------------------ //Listener - onListChange private function onDepListChange(e:ListEvent):void { _empListContainer.visible = _treeDepCat.selectedItem != null; if(_empListContainer.visible) { _empListContainer.explicitHeight = undefined;//将explicitHeight复原, 否则虽然已经visable, 但其宽高都是0 仍无法可见. _empListContainer.explicitWidth = undefined; }else { _empListContainer.explicitHeight = 0; _empListContainer.explicitWidth = 0; }
要求: 如下编辑器:
编辑职员信息, 在验证其输入均合法之后, 并判断该对象是否需要保存 – 如果没有改变, 则不需要保存
1. 可继承Vbox等组件设计该Edtior
主要进行创建, 添加组件等操作…
2. 设定编辑对象, 设定正在编辑的职员, 并将相关信息输出到Editor中.
/** * 给定正在编辑的职员 */ public function set editorData(editorData_:Employee):void { _editorData = editorData_; textID.text = editorData_.id.toString(); textName.text = editorData_.name; textAge.text = editorData_.age.toString(); textAddress.text = editorData_.address; if(editorData_.isMale > 0) { if(editorData_.isMale != 1) { _radioNotMals.selected = true; }else { _radioIsMale.selected = true; } }else {//新建情况下 两个readiobutton均不选择 - 通过validation提示用户选择 _radioIsMale.selected = false; _radioNotMals.selected = false; } if(editorData_.level > -1 ) { comboLevel.selectedIndex = editorData_.level; }else {//新建时 comboLevel.selectedIndex = 0; } validateAll(); }
3. 验证输入数据, 是否合法
见: http://liguoliang.com/2009/02/780/
4. 判断对象是否有改动, 若有改动则enable Save Button. 否则继续unable.
//---------------------------设置Save Button的可用性, 输入合法, 并且至少有一项是dirtyt的才能enable------------------------------ private function setButton():void { if(_editorData == null) { return; } var allValidate:Boolean = (textName.errorString == null && textAge.errorString == null && hboxIsMale.errorString == null && comboLevel.errorString == null); var anyOneDirty:Boolean = (_editorData.name != inputName || _editorData.age != inputAge || _editorData.isMale != inputIsMale() || _editorData.level != inputLevel() || _editorData.address != inputAddress()); if(allValidate && anyOneDirty) { buttonSave.enabled = true; return; } buttonSave.enabled = false; }
输入通过验证, 并检测到数据发生变化时, Enable Save Button:
按照MVC, Save及Cancel等操作应交由Control进行操作.
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