Excel 首字母大写

Categories: Development Notes分享; Tagged with: ; @ November 28th, 2012 20:38

使用Proper函数只能做到每个单词的首字母大写, 该单词的其余字母会变小写。

但如果有时只需要将首字母大写,剩余字符保持不变, 此种情况下可使用公式操作:




Small Flex Tool for parsing column names to SQL format string

Categories: Development NotesFlex分享; Tagged with: ; @ November 19th, 2012 18:40

Hi all,

I wrote a small Flex tool for parsing column names to SQL format, for example:

when I want to select those fields:



I need to copy those fields into my SQL editor, and put “,” for each of them, it’s boring and waste time, So I wrote a Flex tool, which can parse the fields into:

1: Added comma:






2: Added quotation marks and comma:








Hope it can save your time if you are doing such kind of SQL jobs.

Get the tool: http://liguoliang.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ParseStrForSQL.swf

Windows提示移动硬盘未格式化快速修复: ChkDsk / Check Disk

Categories: Development Notes分享; Tagged with: ; @ November 19th, 2012 0:22

话说, 三年前的一个硬盘, 大约在一年前其中的一个分区提示未格式化.

哥们里面存了20多G的音乐(当时可以一边写程序一边听歌), 还有快100G的电影照片什么的, 当然 都是健康的, 但分区坏了, 一直扔着.

来到坡国之后, 没有在线电影可看, 电影下载也不给力, 于是非常怀念这块硬盘. 最终, 拖人带过来了!

抱着试试看的态度, chkdsk:


不一会儿就搞完了, 很快提示弹出auto play了, chkdsk 很拉风!

命令: chkdsk F(盘符): /f



香兰叶 Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius)

Categories: 分享; Tagged with: ; @ November 2nd, 2012 0:11

晚上冲凉的时候闻到一股从未闻过的香味,  应该不是我的体香. 感觉起来像是植物煮熟的那种很纯很天然的香气, 我一直觉得扁豆的味道就很香, 但这个更香.

是房东在煮夜宵, 分了我一碗,  我一看就是地瓜嘛, 可我在国内吃了无数的地瓜也没闻到过这样的香气. 喝起来就没有闻起来的那么香, 问了之后才知道香气来自”香兰叶”, 煮完汤, 叶子就扔掉了. 房东还从垃圾桶里扒拉出一片完整的叶子给我看…


Common Name:
Pandan, Screw Pine

Scientific Name
Pandanus amaryllifolius

The leaves of the screw pine have small thorns towards the apex along the margins and midrib. A freshly cut leaf has a delightful fragrance like that of a new hay. The plant never flowers and is propagated by cuttings.
The leaves are used as flavouring in cooking. Juice extracted can be used as an essence in cake making or the entire leaf used with coconut water and rice to make nasi-lemak.



Pandan (P. amaryllifolius) leaves are used in Southeast Asian cooking to add a distinct aroma to rice and curry dishes such as nasi lemak, kaya (‘jam’) preserves, and desserts such as pandan cake. In Indian cooking, the leaf is added whole tobiryani, a kind of rice pilaf, made with ordinary rice (as opposed to that made with the premium-grade Basmati rice). The basis for this use is that both Basmati and Pandan leaf contain the same aromatic flavoring ingredient, 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline. Pandan leaf can be used as a complement to chocolate in many dishes, such as ice cream. They are known as daun pandan in Indonesian and Malay; 斑蘭 (bān lán) in Mandarin and as ใบเตย (bai teuy) in Thailand. Fresh leaves are typically torn into strips, tied in a knot to facilitate removal, placed in the cooking liquid, then removed at the end of cooking. Dried leaves and bottled extract may be bought in some places.



百度百科上, 很随意的说:



Categories: 分享; Tagged with: ; @ October 18th, 2012 21:56

下午四点钟, 十五楼会议室, 电话会议. 我拖着下巴, 呆滞的看着窗外, 脑子里什么都没有, 耳朵也关掉了. 

应该是刚下过雨,  不阴不晴的就像深秋的傍晚. 会议室里的冷气开得很大, 不自觉的系上了袖口的扣子. 呱啦呱啦的英语在电话里噼里啪啦的响着, 我不想听, 瞪着窗外河里的游船发呆, 我想给自己制造另外一个季节.

外面的高楼不多, 河里的游船稀稀拉拉的过来又过去, 冷气呼呼的吹在身上, 像极了深秋放学前的阴冷教室. 我盼望时间过得快一些, 快些放学. 跑过秋风, 跑过落叶, 坐在炕头上等着白菜炖粉条. 可我知道我只是在做梦, 很快老板就会有一堆问题问我, 我也知道这里一直都是夏天, 一走出大门就是滚滚热浪.

明天再熬一天, 后天就是周末了, 想到这里我又打起了精神.

上周末, 我看完了邵薇的<<故乡>>,  我想说,  这是一本不错的书.



我以前没有听说过邵薇, 甚至连万县我也只是知道在四川有这么个地方而已.

关于童年, 写的很细腻传神, 一个小女孩, 蹦蹦跳跳的走过来, 兜里可能揣着一块糖, 也可能是五分钱, 高兴的走在人生的路上, 坚强的, 倔强的成长, 含着泪水, 远在他乡.

(有一天我下班后在地铁上看这本书, 看的太忘我, 地铁坐过三站后才发现)

为什么要离家, 为什么要离家这么远?

“一个人和一个城市 到底有什么关系  为什么李白/杜甫的诗歌 充满乡愁”

可你所谓的远方, 可能就是我的故乡.

昨天我们换了办公室, 之前的小办公室里有三个人: 一个缅甸人, 一个印度人, 还有一个是我. 我们都是持工作签证的外国人, 在这飘着, 心态都是在这攒几年钱回各自老家, 回到别人心里的远方.

从一个小山坡, 到一个小县城, 再从小县城到大陆最深处的鸟市, 再从鸟市到上海, 又辗转来到新加坡, 我在找什么? 下一站, 又会是哪里? 我彻底凌乱了, 元芳, 你怎么看?

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