Flash Builder Hotkeys Quick Reference Card(A4, PDF)

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ November 3rd, 2011 22:46

For every Flex developer!  by Adobe Flex Shanghai User Group.


Adobe Labs发布Flash Player 11.2 Beta for desktops 及AIR 3.2 Beta

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ October 30th, 2011 15:10


Multi-threaded video decoding (Windows, Mac OS, and Linux) — The video decoding pipeline is now fully multi-threaded. This feature should improve the overall performance on all platforms. Note that this feature is a significant architecture change required for other future improvements.

Flash Player background updates (Windows) — New versions of the runtimes can now be delivered more effectively to the end user with this enhanced updating mechanism (Background update is only available in the release versions of Flash Player).

More info: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplatformruntimes/flashplayer11-2/

推荐:Chrome下ActionScript API 搜索插件

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ October 26th, 2011 21:34

A Chrome plugin for: ActionScript 3.0 Reference.
Input “as3 + ‘space'” and keywords: (more…)

Flex小工具: 匹配String

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ October 23rd, 2011 16:00


分别有两列数据, A列作为数据源, B列中数据都来自于A列. 现在需要验证B列中的数据是否都能在A列中匹配到相同的数据.






var sourceArray:Array = strSource.split("\n"); // Get array from String;

/** * Convert array to Map, array value as the key, and the total nuber of the same value in the array as the value. */ private static function convertArrayToMap(array:Array):Object { var map:Object = new Object(); for each (var str:String in array) { var value:int = map[str] == null ? 0 : map[str]; if(value < 1) { map[str] = 1; // init count; }else { map[str] = value + 1; // Add one } } return map; }

AIR Error: invalid application descriptor: Unknown namespace/ versionNumber must have a non-empty value.

Categories: Flex; Tagged with: ; @ October 23rd, 2011 15:26

Adobe AIR 最近一年升级火速, 去年1.5.3创建的Project使用高版本的SDK后会因为配置文件引发各类错误, 譬如:

Error1:  Namespace 1.5.3 in the application descriptor file should be equal or higher than the minimum version 2.6.0 required by Flex SDK.   

OK, 那替换1.5.3为2.6.0:

Process terminated without establishing connection to debugger.
invalid application descriptor: Unknown namespace: http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.6.0

Ok, 看来2.6.0只是个提示信息, 并不存在2.6.0这个命名空间, 于是参考新的Project, 修改为2.6;

继续尝试, 错误又来:

Error2: Process terminated without establishing connection to debugger.
invalid application descriptor: versionNumber must have a non-empty value.

Ok, 结构变化了, versionNumber 这个必须要有, 增加一下:


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