今天录了段音, 想放上来, 想搞个稍微花哨的播放器. 顺手找到的俩假单的, look:
1. 使用站点: http://www.blogcastone.net/ 填入mp3地址, 然后加入生成的代码
2. 直接使用flash的player, 手动改代码其实也慢方便的:
如: Google Reader的:
1. help>software updates>available software选项卡下,
输入插件地址: http://phpeclipse.sourceforge.net/update/stable/1.2.x/
如过上述地址有误, 请从http://www.phpeclipse.com/ 找到新的update 地址.
2. 点击展开目录, 如图: 选定安装即可:
Variable |
Sample Typical Value |
%SystemDrive% |
C: |
%SystemRoot% |
%WinDir% |
%SystemDirectory% |
C:\WINNT\System32 |
%ComSpec% |
C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe |
%programfiles% |
C:\WINNT\Program Files |
%Temp% |
C:\DOCUME~1\Usr\LOCALS~1\Temp from |
%Tmp% |
C: The drive letter associated with the user’s home directory |
The path to the user’s home directory (excluding drive): |
%OS% |
Windows_NT (even on Windows XP machines |
The name of the domain that contains the user’s account |
The user’s name |
The user’s desktop folder |
%CD% |
The current directory. |
%DATE% |
Current date in the format set by the Date command |
%TIME% |
Current time in the format set by the Time command |
A number defining exit status of a previous command or called executable |
A random number between 0 and 32767. |
使用Random来作为Field内容, 并重写toString, 便于在debug时分辨出名称相同的对象, 如:
某类: Employee: [ AS实现]:
/** * Constractor */ public function Employee(name_:String = null) { _name = name_; objectID = Math.random(); } //--------------------------toString----------------- public function toString():String { return name + " - " + objectID; }
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: [object Employee]
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: [object Employee]
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: [object Employee]
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: [object Employee]
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: Tom – 0.9672538451850414
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: Tom – 0.5573517205193639
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: Tom – 0.9672538451850414
[DEBUG] Controler Current Selceted Employee: Tom – 0.5573517205193639
说来惭愧, 今天第一拿Visio画UML图, 虽然在大学里曾写过很多论文, 画过很多所谓的”图”…
new>Software>UML Model Diagram
左侧 UML Static Structure中包含多数的需要使用的素材 如package, interface, class等
1. 连线
可以按住Shift画笔直的线, 也可以点击线条右键format 为线条选择一个样式
2. 快捷键:
缩放: ctrl + 鼠标转动
左右移动 shift + 鼠标滚动
拷贝元素: 按下ctrl拖动
3. 另外可以下载使用Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit:
Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit下载地址:http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/wireframes/
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