没怎么用过State, 据说Flex4中State有很大更新, 今天小用了下. 发现一个问题:
非Start State中的Component在Application Create complete后不能立即使用. 于是想到了之前常用的creationPolicy – 统统设置为ALL, 结果仍旧无济于事.
解决方法: 设定组件itemCreationPolicy="immediate".
Use the itemCreationPolicy property to specify the creation policy. The itemCreationPolicy property supports the following values:
deferred (默认值 – State活动时再创建)
Creates the component instance when it is first added by a change to the view state. This is the default value.immediate (立即创建)
Creates the component instance at application startup.
itemCreationPolicy and itemDestructionPolicy attributes must accompany either the includeIn or excludeFrom attribute.
组件必须已经使用includeIn /excludeFrom 属性, 因此如果组件未设定显示的State(可能是外部容器设定了), 又要在该组件上单独使用itemCreationPolicy, 那就需要在该组件上先通过includeIn /excludeFrom 设定下要显示/排除的State.
另: 与创建政策Create Policy对应的, 还有销毁政策: itemDestructionPolicy
关于Flex4 State中文介绍可参见: http://swfever.com/?p=717
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